Mim's Life

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Gill (my sis) and I just got home from doing an intro boxing class at the gym. Got a really good work out and walked into the back of some tall sweaty guy while taking to Gill who was behind me- can always manage to embarrass myself even at the gym! One exercise we did was called the 'crucifix' where you lie on your back then lift you legs slightly off the floor, and your head and back slightly up and hold your arms out with your palms and face facing upwards. Not an easy thing to do for a long time esp when a 5 kg weight is added to your shins! Anyways, it just got me thinking- the pain would be nothing compared to being on a real crucifix but trying to stay there for as long as possible and last through the pain looking up was quite an experience, guess you could say meditative. To think that Jesus went through that and I couldn't even last 2 min of pain much less severe- cool thing to do for communion!- not that everyone would be into it. Words aren't really working for me at the moment, bit tired, so sorry if none of this is making much sense- but it's a good exercise to try- you should give it ago!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Worship vs. Songs

Talked breifly to 'Mr I loved the music but not the songs' last night and asked him to explain his thoughts on the issue. It was basically what I'd heard from others and though about myself, that is it appropriate to sing words which you don't agree with/live out/feel for yourself as worship to God? (feel free to correct me AN if that wasn't what you meant).
As a muso though, we don't really have the option, we have to participate. Although, it's easy to hide behind the piano just go through the chords taking my own meaning from the music rather than the written words.
The bass player from SYG suggested we should all think about the songs and try to understand where the writter was coming from when they wrote the songs. I'd never thought to do that before and to me thats a more proactive and worshiping thing to do than to just sit out and not participate. At the risk of sounding indivdualistic, I would even suggest we find our own meaning in the words- you don't have to agree with whats being sung but find where you stand at that moment and be aware of that and bring it to God. Being honest both with yourself and God. If worship has to do with respect- isn't honesty a large part of that, but also being active in worship and not just taking the position 'nup don't agree so won't participate'. (not at all saying thats what you meant AN).


Well it's over for another year and this year was as good as ever! Baysie did really well this year, coming 3rd in the small church category but it's never all about winning and more about just having fun!
Went as a spectator this year for the first time in 6 years, and although there we're some positive aspects, like being able to have a decent shower and having a relaxed kick of the footy back at camp, I'd rather participate in events no matter what else I'm involved in.
Being part of the worship band this year was a great experinece. We all got on really well and rehearsals building up to the event was heaps of fun. still not sure where I sit with the speaker though. My interpretation was that as christians we need to be open to and allow God to change us and live out his will instead of following what other people think we should do to be 'good christians'.- so I agree with that but then thats only my interpretation of what was said and I know some people didn't agree with how they interpreted the speakers comments. Being on stage while he was finishing, it was interesting to see how different people were reacting!
Well done to Steph for organising our team this year! good job! I'm already slightly depressed at the chance that I won't be able to attend next year due to being in a different country- which is kind of sad but proves how much I enjoy camping in mud and playing sport amoung heaps of other people each year!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Guess who's coming to dinner

Last night a member form the church organised 'guess who's coming to dinner'. This involved members form the church choosing to be either a host or guest for dinner but you didn't know whos place or who was coming to your place for a meal.
Fantastic idea! Steph and I went as guests and not only got a great meal but to share a meal with people from the church that we would not usually associate with or get to know. The Suddanese family where also hosts and I would have loved to see and shared in their dinner- but I'm totally not complaining about the amazing meal we did receive.
I think sharing in meals together as a church is a great way to get to know all the different people who make up a church and learn through interesting conversations and different perspectives on church and life in general. Huge thanks to Steph for allowing me to drag her along and be my partner for the night. And all up it was a totally enjoyable experience- bring on next year.
Hey guys,
Well I've finally got of my arse and created one of these things for myself! Not sure how much I'll get into it but at least I've gotten this far. Love to hear any comments or arguements you guys have to anything I say because I'm always interested in other peoples opinions and perspectives on stuff.