Mim's Life

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

2 sides

During our 1st few days in Ho Chi Mihn City we visited the war museum there.

The biggest thing that struck me was (and I'm not saying that all the images we constantly see of war are not still confronting) was how differently the war was portrayed from Vietnam's point of view compared to an American/Aussie view point.

The only real mention of the US was about the American protesters who were shot.

It's just interesting to see how much of an American view we have of the Vietnam war and movies like Forrest Gump while I wouldn't say are pro-war in any way, still comes from a very American perspective. I can't think of any Hollywood movies that portray the war from a Vietnamese point of view.

This is in no way surprising, but it's probably something we should be more aware of.


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