Mim's Life

Monday, July 23, 2007


Well I have returned from a most eventful and mostly enjoyable trip which included-

Lots of sun!

seeing my sister

night markets and sunsets

Trying out some crocodile and Kangaroo meat

swimming in water holes

kissing termite mounds

just haning out

Katherine gorge

helicopter ride


meeting people

being sick

Being taken off my plane home

5hrs in emergency department of the hospital

4hrs waiting on stand by at the airport trying to get on the next flight back home

- I'm still recovering from the last few days and there was a point there in emergency when it looked like I wasn't coming home for quite a while- but it's ok...... all the different tests, samples and needles stuck into me suggest that I'm not about to die! and I've survived the 4hr flight from Darwin to prove it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7 long years

An unknown priest traveled to Calcutta to meet Mother Teresa. To his surprise he was given a private time with the aging nun. During the course of their conversation, he confessed,
" Mother, I don't feel the presence of God in my life anymore."
" How long has it been?" she asked sensitively.
"About 7 years," whispered the distraught priest.
Mother Teresa pondered a moment, then reached out with compassion and touched the priest's hand.
"Seven years?"
"Yes, seven long years, Mother," replied the priest.
Mother Teresa paused, looked the priest in the eye, and whispered, "It has been over thirty for me."

(I find that story very thought provoking and not the usual type of story you hear about Mother Teresa- very honest and 'human'! Other than that, I have nothing to write, head is completely full of physiological and psychological responses to listening to music in a hospital context- and I'm and very over it at the moment!
Darwin in Less than a week!!! :)