Mim's Life

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Gill (my sis) and I just got home from doing an intro boxing class at the gym. Got a really good work out and walked into the back of some tall sweaty guy while taking to Gill who was behind me- can always manage to embarrass myself even at the gym! One exercise we did was called the 'crucifix' where you lie on your back then lift you legs slightly off the floor, and your head and back slightly up and hold your arms out with your palms and face facing upwards. Not an easy thing to do for a long time esp when a 5 kg weight is added to your shins! Anyways, it just got me thinking- the pain would be nothing compared to being on a real crucifix but trying to stay there for as long as possible and last through the pain looking up was quite an experience, guess you could say meditative. To think that Jesus went through that and I couldn't even last 2 min of pain much less severe- cool thing to do for communion!- not that everyone would be into it. Words aren't really working for me at the moment, bit tired, so sorry if none of this is making much sense- but it's a good exercise to try- you should give it ago!


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