Mim's Life

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


This is what I wrote for my Devo. for camp last year on the 'Get Red Hot' theme and studies on 'passion'-

When I was in year 8 one of my best friends died. This was a major shock for me, death wasn't really something I had ever had to consider and suddenly I was forced to go through the death of someone very close to me. It hurt. It hurt so much that I became numb. I though, what was the point of becoming close to anyone if I'll end up losing them anyway. So I emotionally distanced myself from everone, I still had friends but I'd always hold myself back, keep a barrier between us. I played out the role of being a good friend without any feeling or passion.

In a movie I saw recently (Tuesdays with Maurie) they said 'love one another or you die'. I didn't allow myself to love anyone and I was dead, I was emotionally dead. I became numb to something I was reuly passionae about and hence nmb to life itself.

God was and still is a great help and has gradually brought me back from the dear. First the realisation that he is always there with us and never leaces us and latter that we have to love one another and that I couldn't continue to distance myself rom everyone around me.

Don't allow yourself to become numb as I did. Work through the pain, God is always there and will help you. It still hurts, maybe even more now that it did at the time, and i don't think it will ever stop hurting and at times I still find myself distancing myself from people who get 'too close' but I am now aware when it's happening and I'm gradually getting the strenghth to fight back.
The pain is worth it, don't shut yourself off form the things your passionate about in life allow God to use your passions and you will prevent yourself from dying.

-thought I'd post that mainly because I' totally running out of time this week (to the point where I've written up a 'to do list' which only happens when I have so much to do that I know I'll forget it all if I don't have a list), and I didn't want to write anything fresh!
Also remembered it cos' I'm having to think about what I'll write for my Devo this year for camp- theme 'The Search' (any ideas would be great). Got my mate Pete (who was also study leader) to read it before camp last year cos I was a bit worried it'd be too heavy for a bunch of yr 7 & 8's but I was glad I did it cos some of the kids in my small group really opened up about stuff like a death of his dad and one kid going through parental divorce.
BTW- I'll be away next week so no posts.


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