Mim's Life

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

'Christian' culture

this post is kind of linking on after the 'globalisation' post a while back. But I was watching a show on TV couple of days ago (yes, I was meant to be writting essays but it was a study break!!) and there was some show where these 'westerners' where visiting some Islanders. One of the people dies while the film makers where their and it was really interesting to see how their culture deals with death- the widow stayed in their house for 2 weeks to mourn and all the other villages after the 2 weeks gave gifts, mostly of shell money (which isn't used in the way we think of money but stays among the villages getting passed around at events like this- definately not the same importance or reliance that we have on money).
The main narrator mentioned that his father was one of the missionaries which converted the villiage, and it was nice to see the villages doing their tribal dances and stuff while wearing wooden cross necklaces (and nothin else above the waist!). The narrator then said something about how the villages then conducted a 'christian' berrial and showed them lowering a casket in a grave with a cross at the top and everyone standing around singing hyms.- so this is the point I'm trying to get at- to me that kind of berrial is more a 'western' traditional style berrial rather than christian yet we now just assoicate it as being christian. I've never heard anywhere that Jesus sung hyms while berring anyone and he himself was berried in a tomb- not a hole with a cross at the top.
I know this is really not a big issue, but it's an example that illustrates what I was trying to get an before. But then this also made me think that maybe missionaries need to bring in at least some 'christian' pratices which contrast the other culture as the people of that culture may find it hard to associated how they've always done stuff without God to fitting God in- eg. might do it how they always have and forget God in the process.- just a thought, still trying to work out what I mean.


  • At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    berries are fruits...buried is being lowered into the ground. lol, howd u pass year 12 :p

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger Mim said…

    shut up Steph (or should I say Steff)- don't you know we're the computer spell check generation!!

    nah seriously, I have no idea how I've ever got so far through school but so long as you can get what I mean.
    I'll see ya on fri- looking forward to it!!


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