Mim's Life

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Procrastinator

If there was ever a record for the best procrastinator by doing totally useless things- I'd be winning right now. It's taken me almost 2 and a half days to write a 1,500 word essay (which in uni terms is very small), why I chose to write on a political topic looking at Soviet Russia was a really dumb idea because I really suck at anything political and obviously my motivation level to write this thing is incredably low! Ended up checking my e-mails four time yesterday which is definately not something I usually do and now here I am wasting time again.
I do have something of use to mention though- yesterday went to the gym with Mich and saw the TV's but I didn't have any sound or anything, but the news was on and just from viewing the fotage I thought'd there'd been some natural disaster in Africa or something that I didn't know about. But the story was actually about the hurrican in America it's just the all the fotage was of Negro Americans. Either the TV people were trying to make some kind of political statement by only showing Black Americans surrfering- or (and much more likely) for what ever reason it was the Negro Americans who were unable to escape in time whereas the majority of whites could get out in time. How did that happen? I know I don't know enough about the situation to make any judgements or to really comment on the situation, but just watching the news it was really sad.
Anyway I think I'll go and check my e-mails again just in case anyones written to me in the 30 mins I've been uselessly updating my blog!


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