Mim's Life

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Serial Monogamy

Term thats comes up in my socialology classes- means monogamy (staying with one person) and serial so having many monogamous relationships through life. I guess thats quite common in this generation and I just wonder how my generation will react towards or against that way of seeing relationships.
But it also makes me wonder it the basis of a family has to be a life long monogamouse (I too tried to spell anything properly) relationship. Is that what God intends or is that just another christian ideal that we try and hold on to and provides us a reason to segregate others who don't fit into this box. - I've honestly never really looked into this before so I've not really made an opinion over the issue. But when christians are banned from leadership because their not following the 'correct rules of relationships' then it really is something that needs to be looked at. I'll get to it soon but I'm in essay mode at the moment and my heads filled with- how the Soviet regeme inpacted Prokofievs compositional style, - the way music is used in relation to other elements in the film 'To kill a mckingbird' and why do serial killers kill, to consider much else.


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