Mim's Life

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Stages is on this Sat and I've promised to go help Keechy out (and also want to catch up with little Linda- so hopefully she up for it).
Never actually been to Stages (an underage club run once a month by Christians) but as it's Keechy's Forge thing (would use the word project- but not sure it's appropriate) I'm interested to go check it out- that and I reckon it'd be cool to get special access and be able to say- 'cos' I'm friends with the owner' instead of having to line up.

So if ya free sat night your welcome to join me at the Boronia Progress hall think it starts about 7:45pm and we can boogie in a drug and alcohol free event!


  • At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i wanna come mim...me n keechy spoke a bit about it, but i never got actual details off her (ie. event times) let me know wat u know, n i'll be there...cyyaa tomoz


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