Is youth group worth running for 1 or 2 kids?
-could my time and energy be spent better elsewhere?
-should we be moving out of the church and reaching people else where (and what does that look like practically)?
-should we be going out to try and get more into the church? (getting people into church for the sake of having people in church would never be my intention- more interested in people thinking about and growing with christ and if that means they need to be in church- as I'm sure I couldn't provide all that a church could- then so be it)
I read or heard somewhere recently the the tradional youth group structure is not 'working' with todays youth (forgotten where I heard that so I can reference it or prove it's validity). Do things need to change? and how?
This is all stuff I'm asking God at the moment, but any comments are welcome- you guys might see something I'm blind to.
At 10:48 PM,
Digger said…
Man, this is a discussion we've had many a time at Frankston-and a question I've wrestled with for many an hour!
I'm not even gonna try and summarise all my thought's here.
All I can say is-is it something we can imagine Jesus would do? If so then do it. If not then go back to the Gospels and try get some ideas from there :)
At 9:44 PM,
Mim said…
yeah, we're also going through kind of the same questions about evening services at the moment and the two of them are kind of doing my head in.
A lot of searching still to go I think
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
forget the 'youth group' label and the worries of trying to run a 'program'....just hang out with the kids! ...on friday nights or some other time maybe, and focus on being mates with em and loving them (which i'm sure you're already doing). i reckon once God places a true love for those he puts around you, into you, the WAY you do things don't really matter. If you're doing stuff cos you love 'em, you'll find ways of expressing it, and it doesn't have to look like 'youth group'. i mean, you don't run a formal 'group' for a bunch of mates.
its true tho, a 'youth group' facilitates them to bring along friends, but maybe if it's a casual hangout instead, that's even more conducive to inviting their friends to hang out too?
hey, maybe this isn't even relevant to ya mim, but i needed a rant on the topic!!! :P cos i'm so passionate bout it at Franga! love your work mate. keep askin qns!
At 1:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
btw, and no offense to you digs mate, but i am a little over the whole 'model' qn. like i said, if you truly wanna do something (journey with, encourage, get to know, empower, teach bout Jesus), you'll do it. asking the whole 'model' qn (which does need to be done) seems to me to run the risk of finding a label and sticking under it, as opposed to DOING stuff (which flows from being inspired by Christ), and then the label flowing out from that. again, maybe not relevant, but i'm still ranting! should be doin my legal studies outcome...whoops!
At 7:39 PM,
Mim said…
yeah Mase, when ya have a max of 2 kids and a nice new youth room- hang out is about all we do- which is great- some of the best times right there!!
but I guess it's also good to have a balence.
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
You have a great heart mim,
you are obviously passionate about what you do. By the way what is it that you would really like to do with your time on a friday night if you couldnt do youth group.
At 5:09 PM,
Mim said…
what would I like to do on fri nights? thats a big question, the answer to which would probably change every week.
Can see a need to get 'out into the world' more (let me know if you don't get what I'm meaning because that makes sense in my head but not sure anyone else would understand!). Instead of hanging out in the church with the same 2 kids (not that I don't enjoy that either). why should some kids miss out on christ just because their parents won't let them attend youth group or their social group is not interested.
but what that looks like practically I have no idea!!
At 5:12 PM,
Mim said…
* social group not interested in youth group and it's structure*
At 2:50 PM,
Digger said…
Yeah I'm feeling ya there Mase-quality stuff mate.
Don't know where I talked about 'models' or whatever, but anyway-I totally know where you're coming from.
Keep up the good work tiger!
At 10:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are just so good at talking about these things and doing nothing about them. What does doing the will of God look like here folks. It must mean more than just remaining faithful,maybe if begin to journey God will present to us the answers as we go. If we believe that is what God wants lets not miss this opportunity that God gives us, as im sure Gods work will go on with out us if we dont.
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