Mim's Life

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Been reading a book on Gandhi at the moment and I'll post some of the stuff I've found interesting so far.

- ' The ashram was on the edge of the williage of Segaon, which was just a few mud-and-bamboo huts with a primitive communal well. There were no shops worthy of the name, and no amenities of any kind. Most of the villagers were untouchables, and every last one was a victim of chronic malaria, chronic dysentery or chronic malnutrition. Not even the children had enough energy to brush away the flies that settled on them. Who but Gandhi would have thought of trying to teach these willagers anything? One of my earlist memories of Gandhi is seeing him trudge along the tracks sweeping up the excrement that the villagers had left around like dogs, even by the well. that was his way of setting an example, of teaching the villagesthe most elementary lesson of all'.

- He studied and actively practiced all the major religions at once- saw God as bigger than any one and Jesus and Buddha were mentor figures- but I wounder what he thought of Jesus claims to Son of God.

- 'Keeping Gandhi living in poverty is an expensive business'

- 'He said what he believed and put into practice what he said, so his mind, spirit and body were in harmony'.

- 'Didn't like the idea of his Granddaughter getting a degree saying that she should instead become his secutary'- in the time of feminism this didn't go down so well. Was his thinking in some areas backwards or advanced?

- ' To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face one must be able to love the meanest of creation as oneself. And a man who aspires after that cannot affod to keep ou of any field of life. That is why my devotion to Truth has drawn me into the field of politics; and I can say without the slightest hesitation and yet in all humility, that those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means'- Gandhi "the story of my experiments with truth".

- Reading about his childhood is also interesting- really was just a normal cheaky kid- bit of a non-sporty 'nerd' who wasn't any good at school- 1 diff was his honesty to the point that he would not only own up to the wrong stuff but doubed all his friends and familily into it as well.
One time he and his cousins stole gold status from a temple to play with- and he owned up and doubed the cousins who's idea it was.

- 'Married at 12 (and had 'relations' before this) Gandhi seems to have been a jealous and imperios young husband. "Refusal to speak to one another thus became the order of the day with us, married children".

- 'Gandhi never forgot what he called his "double shame"- leaving his father when he knew that his father might die at any moment, and making love to his wife when he knew that Hinduism forbade intercourse with a pregnant woman. The baby died soon after it was born, and he felt that he was justly punished'. - He later live in comple celibacy and even told a couple who were asking for a marriage blessing ' to live as brother and sister'.


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