Mim's Life

Thursday, August 25, 2005

There is a reason for this post- you just don't know it yet!

I warn you now- this post is really just me having a rant- no theological or deep life issues today!
Went shopping for underware the other day and all the nice styles only go up to a certian size (in bras), which seriously doesn't help me. I'm not going to go into details over this one on the net but I really don't see any logical reason why they do this. (unless their all jelouse and reaping revenge on the rest of us!!).
The same goes for swimming tops- recently the styles have been so impracticle. incident at the start of the year were Mich and I went and did some laps at the gym. admittedly, I wasn't really wearing the appropriate swimming laps atire but I really didn't expect to lose my top in the pool. Really the situation wasn't too bad, Mich and left before me and was way up the other end and the only other people there at that time was a couple in their 30's or 40's the woman of which was swimming and the man I guess could have cop an eye full if he'd happened to look in my direction. Not sure about any security cameras but I haven't been baned from the pool for skinny dipping so I'll just asume there are none.
While on the subject, Ash totally had a go at me this year at SYG about my getting changed habits. Shared a tent this year with little Linda and Ash (talk about pink overload!!) which was great. Linda went to the shower or toilet every time she wanted to get changed, Ash managed to get changed within her sleeping bag. Me- after anouncing I was going to get naked I got changed. I gave fair warning and then didn't really care what they did (other than open up the tent). And I really don't see what was wrong with that. Ash rekoned it was cute- I rekoned it was practicle- for her benifit I tryed the sleeping bag thing- an gave up half way- then that night at like 1am when Linda had gone to sleep and Ash was in bed I made Ash get up by refusing to go to bed before we found my PJ pants- which just happen to be in the bottom of my sleeping bag from that morning! So I'm going to stick to my 'cute' method of getting changed in front of others- may me I'll be banded from youth leading due to indecent exposure- but it's not my fault if people fail to observe my 'I'm getting naked' warning.


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