Mim's Life

Friday, June 01, 2007


A lot happened in the time my computer stuffed up and me buying a laptop, stuff that I prob would have posted by have kind of moved on at this point, so will just write some dot points.

- Got my 1st offical, payed Music Therapy job (and yes their aware I'm still a student, so it's all above board!)

- Had 2 deaths in the family within a week. Well this made for a rather full on couple of weeks- esp because uni didn't stop and I still had things due and had to do extra days at the hospital to make up. Think I'm doing ok with it all- but also think I've been so busy lately that I've had time to properly think it all through... but well see!

Well that's about it actually but it felt like a lot on top of everything else at the time!


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