Mim's Life

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just stuff

This is just a me yabbering on post- so enjoy or ignore at will.

Had my last music therapy audition today and will be informed in a week how it went. So in a week I'll have to decide my destiny- for the next couple of years anyway. But thats cool, I'm up for the cahnge and challenge.

Last sun was at Urban Life 'church' (cafe/ community centre etc.) in ringwood. The drummer played on a Full electric drum kit- not just a couple of toms but a full one including high hat and bass drum. I've never seen a full electric kit so it was very exciting and got to have a go after the service. You know a church is deffinately 'emerging' when they have an electric kit!! (I'm very much jokeing btw)

But it was also really great to both see and hear about how they were as a church getting out into the community and doing stuff. THis is something that really gets me down at Baysie for quite a while now with the whole lazy 'thats nice,you can do it and good on you but I'm ok' which is deffinately getting better though. But you know people at Baysie are doing stuff just outside of the church. Talking with one of older ladies and she goes all the way into the childrens hospital in the city and helps out doing admin stuff as a volunteer, one of the older men transports people to and from Knox hospital for free- and I'm sure there are so many more stories we've never heard. Why do we never hear any of this stuff! Where is the balence between modesty and being open as a church. I really want to do something together as a church and kids hope is something. But also like to organsise something as worship at an evening service and haven't yet partly from a lack of any practical ideas, my lack of organisation at times and also a feeling of others not being that into it or wanting to help me out (which is not me having a go because it's more likely just me feeling this and it being completely me being stupid!).
But if anyone has any practical ideas in the Baysie area I'd be happy to hear.


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