Would you eat your own poo!?!
All this raises my age old question about 'Why do I come down sick/ tired/ exhausted/ emotionally wrecked when I really put myself out there on a limb for God?' (am feeling spiritually ok at the moment- and maybe thats all that really matters!?!)
Possible reponses
- it's not really what Gods asking me to do and this is his way to informing me
- 'Satan's' having a go
- this is just how life goes and Jesus pracitically promised that it wouldn't be easy
- I involve myself and invest too much of myself into things
Remember my first day at placement at the special school last semester, and despite having worked with severly mentally and physically disabled people before and seen a lot of stuff that the majority of people know not to do in public and really sad stuff....... I was shocked to hear (and made some dumb gasping noise) when one of the staff mentioned that one of the little girls had started to eat her own poo- not something I'd every really thought about- but I guess I'd just assumed that no one would ever even think of doing such a thing and that as humans we had some inbuilt instinct that poo just doesn't make a good meal. Every kid picks their nose at some point but I have never hear of anyone of any age going to the poo (not that anyone would admit to it thought I guess). So there you go- not eating poo is socially conditioned into us it is not an instictual thing!
But also, as humans think we all do stuff that will only harm us in the long run- some are socially conditioned into us that we know will harm- like eating poo, cutting yourself, even drinking and smokeing to a certain extent..... but how many things are incredably harmful and we just have no idea- is it a case that we can't rely on instincts or we just don't know how to understand them smoking never used to be considered harmful and everyone did it..... did people ever think that hhmmm I'm turning myself into a chimney- this may not be at all good for me and just ignore a small thought or do we as humans sometimes just have no idea?
Am I 'eating my own poo' by adding a couple of hrs in a school each week to my life?
At 9:21 AM,
waynemus said…
Before I put serious comment into the topic Mim, I'd thought I would clarify the intention of the question. Are you asking,
"Am I embracing what appears to be self enjoyable (like that girl) by adding a couple of hours to your week in schools, when it's really detrimental to you?"
Or are you intending a different meaning in the question?
At 2:58 PM,
Mim said…
Never really considered that eating poo was an enjoyable thing to do..... just like I don't enjoy being sick and tired.
My point was more that humans seem to engage in different forms of self harm- whether that be socially recognised as such or not.
And as much as I enjoy working with youth, is this form really what I'm meant to be doing now- only God can answer that one....
My 1st q's about if being sick can be taken as a hint from God is more the question.
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