Mim's Life

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Was looking after a couple of girls last week while their partents where out for a while and the 5yr old girl kept getting her dads bible and pulling out the bookmark and placing it at a story which included her name. She would then ask to have the bits with her name read.

Reminded me that I used to do the exact same thing- Moses and the bullrushes was definately a fav story of mine at sunday school mainly because a chick called Miriam was the hero of the story!! And not being a very common name at the moment, this was the onlyother Miriam I'd heard of at the time. Never really notice the whole story inc. how she later angers God and dies of lepracy - but I guess thats just one of those stories you don't teach at sunday school.

Luckely at the time I didn't know that Mary is the Greek translation of Miriam- or I would have been obsessed with most of the new testimont. I reckon Jesus would have know his mum as a Miriam not Mary- but I'm quite happy having a more obscure name, after the publicity of the 'there's something about Miriam' show I'd prefer not to go through that kind of attention again.

Did anyone else do the same with their name and know their story more than other bible stories?


  • At 11:17 PM, Blogger Digger said…

    Mate, I wrote half the freaking NT-I was loving life, definitely thought I was the most important person ever!

  • At 7:49 PM, Blogger Mim said…

    ha really, very true!! funny how kids identify with their name so much- maybe there is something in a name? always being told the Moses Miriam is refered to as the musical profit and that my name was meant to be.... not so sure, but its a nice thought.

    Reckon I can beat you though- not only was I Jesus' mum but perhaps even his 'wife'!!!:)

  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger Caleb Garfinkel said…

    hehe i went searching for milk and honey! go me!!
    must have been the little person thing, allowed me to be sneaky..


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