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Once again I managed to look the keys in the car! This is the third time I've done this down at balnarring, this time was actually at the petrol station in Hastings (which is bout 10 min from Balnarring) on my way home. Mobile was also in the car so I had to use a pay phone to get mum to bring the spare keys. Luckely this petrol station also had a subway so I could sit inside and bought the sunday hearald to read while I waited what turn out to be an hour and 30 mins thanks to the freeways being blocked off causing traffic delays.
Why the only time I look the keys in the car is when I'm an hours drive from home I'll never undersatnd- that you'd think I would have learnt through my last 2 experiences of doing the exact same thing. I have a theory that my brain has a switch that I can turn it on and off- but I don't think I have control of that switch. There are times when I am quite smart but there are other times when I do and say such incredably stupid things which if I was thinking at the time there is no way I would do. not suggesting humans have a physical switch in their brains but I think we have the ability to bypass the logical/ thinking part of our brains and have it turned off and probably some people more than others. James laughs at my brain switch theories so you guys prob will to but I'll prove you all wrong!
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with not wanting to live alone. While i enjoy my time to myself, i always need that someone there to stop my brain going into psycho mode. In other words having too much quite time alone allows my brain analyse anything and everything that has happened. For example, "that was so embarrassing...", "i wonder if he or she...", "what do they really think of me .." etc. In others words my brain gets very depressed. I know i know, bring out the violins, but honestly that's the cold honest truth! Besides, when im by myself all i do is eat!
I don't know about the switch theory, i think its more to do with being lazy or tired. You cant be bothered thinking, so you find yourself just going through the motions, not really caring. You may feel like you have no control, but if you tried hard enough you could probably snap back into reality. So i guess in a way this is a switch, but i think we really should be able to take control. The other explanation i have is that, we already have too much going on in our brains that while trying to do one thing, we are thinking of another, hence why we forget or don't take things in all the time ...
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