Mim's Life

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Multicoloured Jesus

We sponser a little girl from Sri Lanka, and every Christmas I get sent a nice nativity picture that she has coloured in- always good to see how much her colouring abilities improve each year. (She's 5 and wants to be a docter and enjoys playing at home with pots! - ok enough bragging like a rpoud parent!:S)

What stands out for me though is the colour she gives human skin- bright yellow, Simpsons style, every year. Yellow must be how asian kids portray the colour of their skin! as kids I used to always go with bright pink for skin and the Suddanese boy from church coloured Jesus's face in with a black crayon- to the point were Jesus had no facial features.

Kids just colour Jesus the way they see the closest people around them (I'm not insinuating that people in Sri Lanka a bright yellow or that the people around me were bright pink). There's no political or biased reasoning behind it. And as good as it is to put Jesus in the context and skin he lived on earth- maybe we also need to see Jesus more in the people around us and their skin.

So what colour would I now chose to colour in Jesus's skin? Prob go with a brown pencil and lightly shade in to a nice consitancy- but maybe I'm just reflecting a nice Aussie tan that I see around me!?!


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