Mim's Life

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Short term mission trips= Boo!

I understand the reasoning behind this idea and to a large extent agree- then why am I doing a couple of short community stays in Vietnam.

Well to be honest I'm mildly torn-

Prob a lot of selfish reasons behind the trip- I like travelling. Was brought up on it and have seen a fair chunk of the world/ Aust. (still a heck of a lot to see!)

I enjoy it- and we always used to do things on the cheap (youth hostals all the way!) or stay with family so I at least slightly out of the touristy stuff.

So if I'm going to travel this is the way I like to do it- and hopefully I'll be of some help to a community along the way.

I really don't see this trip as my way of saving the world or giving back- mainly cos' I see that as more of a life long, every day thing that dosen't just happen on a few trips. For me this trip is more about challenging myself and throwing myself into an unknown and different situation to experience life from a different angle- and hopefully be a slightly better person for it.


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